
“Nothing ever really goes away--it just changes into something else. Something beautiful.”


Is a safe, non invasive, deep but gentle healing modality that animals respond well to. It is an energy healing that puts animals at ease. It is especially useful for animals that are or have experienced trauma of any kind.It is excellent for anxiety and fear but also is great for calming an animal that is injured or in pain.

What sets Metamorphosis apart in the healing realm is that the animal itself directs the energy to where it needs to go, and is therefore an active participant in their own healing process, the animal will move away when it has had all it needs from me.

This process can be done either from a distance or hands on, and I take my cues entirely from the animal as to how this healing is to be experienced.I have been working as a Metamorphosis practitioner for over 10 years with both animals and humans.

If you are interested to learn more about the process of Metamorphosis, you can research Robert St John Metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis allows for deep healing through the release of patterns, habits and behaviours.

Its healing capacity can heal past and present trauma responses, even prenatal breeding inheritances both physically and behaviourally, in a safe, nurturing way non threatening way where your animal feels in control.

Profound changes can be achieved through this gentle but very effective medium.